
What is the Shelf Life of Printer Toner?

It’s a common question: how long can printer toner be stored? What’s the shelf life of printer toner? Toner is a mixture of carbon powder iron oxide and a polymer. Unless you are great at general knowledge or have some science degree in printing, it is unlikely that you will know [...]

2024-09-18T16:21:53+00:00June 26th, 2023|Printers, Toner|

The Pros and Cons of Toner vs. Ink

Suppliers of discount printer ink and toner know that when you are considering the difference between toner and ink, you should first know that you are talking about different types of printers. Laser printers use the material known as toner and inkjet printers use ink cartridges. Copier Supply Store believes that there are pros and [...]

2024-09-18T16:33:28+00:00January 26th, 2023|Toner|
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